Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ten vocabulary words

Native language: Conseiller
Definition: is someone that is giving advice to someone. For example teacher can be a good advisor for a student,by talking to them about school i mean what they can do to be successful in school.
Sentence: My teacher advice me to be respectful with oter because i never know when i will need help.

Definition: Appropriate is a way of doing something, it is a suitable for a particular purpose,person,occasion
Native language: Approprie
Sentence: The school ask the students to wear appropriate clothes to come to school.

Native language: Attitude
Definition: Attitude is a way of reacting with someone.
sentence: My friend started giving me attitude because i said i don't to go in Kings Plazza with her.

Definition: Colleage mean a fellow member of a profession; stuff synonyme; partner
Native language: collegue
Sentence: At my school i have a colleage in every class.

Cover letter:
Definition: Cover-letter is a letter that accompanies another letter, a package, to explain etc...
Native language: Couvre-Lettre
Sentence: I wrote a cover-letter to give to my manager, to explain to him a little bit about my life.

Native language: College
Definition: A co-worker is someone you working with, at your work place.
Sentence: The co-workers at my work are soo nice to me.

Definition: Criticism is someone that is making a judgment based on someone or something
Native language: Critique
Sentence: Criticism sometimes can be hurtful or helpful.

Definition:to be biest or to indifferent towards.
Native language: Discrimination
Sentence: I get discriminated against because of the color of my skin.

Definition: duty is ones' oblication or function.
Native language: Devoir
Sentence: The duty of today is to clean the dishes

Definition: someone that is hired to work.
Native language: employeur
Sentence:the idea is last employee hired first one fired.

Native language: Employeur
Definition: someone who hires workers.
Sentence: My employer that i work for is progressive auto.

Native language: Evaluer
Definition: to make an esteemed judgement on value.
Sentence: i had my jewelry evaluated.

Native language: Evaluation
Definition: a test of reason and value.
Sentence: my boss does an evaluation every year.

Native language: Flexibles
Definition: Capable of bending.
Sentence: in gym class I wish I could be more flexible.

Native language: Harcelement
Definition: to annoy or bother.
Sentence: At work I am constantly harrased.

Native language: Initiative
Definition:the ability to go anytime.
Sentence: The coach of my basketball team wants everyone to show more iniative.

Native language: novice
Definition: begginer or amateur.
Sentence: When it comes to playing sports i list my self as a novice.

Native language: Proactive
Defintion: strong working
Sentence: There is an acne cream that is truly proactive for my disorder.

Native language: Qualification
Defintion: to show a proper fit for something.
Sentence: I have the the correct and accurate qualifications for this job.

Native language: Recommendation
Definiton: presented as worthy.
Sentence: My last boss gave my new boss a letter of recommendation.

Native language: Reference
Definition: testimonial, person from which one seeks recommendation.
Sentence: Before you go for any job one should have good references.

Native language: Confiance, Fiable
Definition: trustworthy
Sentence: I am a reliable person.

Native language: Salaire
Definition:fixed payment for regular work.
Sentence:My salary for the year is smaller then it should be.

Native language: Tache, Plusieurs
Definition: an objective
Sentence: My boss assigned me several tasks to do for the week.

Native language: Salaires
Definition: amount paid or a salary.
Sentence: I receive wages at the end of the month for my job.

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